
Thefollowingstepsshouldbefollowed:1.TheTVshallbeconnectedtoapowermeterandpowersource.2.TheTVshallbeconnectedtoanappropriatesignal ...,ComplywithcurrentENERGYSTAREligibilityCriteria,whichdefineperformancerequirementsandtestproceduresforTelevisions.Alistofeligibleproductsand ...,2022年10月20日—ComplywithcurrentENERGYSTAREligibilityCriteria,whichdefineperformancerequirementsandtestproceduresforTe...

Energy Star Program Requirements for Televisions Partner ...

The following steps should be followed: 1. The TV shall be connected to a power meter and power source. 2. The TV shall be connected to an appropriate signal ...

ENERGY STAR Version 8.0 Televisions Program ...

Comply with current ENERGY STAR Eligibility Criteria, which define performance requirements and test procedures for Televisions. A list of eligible products and ...

Program Requirements for Televisions Partner Commitments

2022年10月20日 — Comply with current ENERGY STAR Eligibility Criteria, which define performance requirements and test procedures for Televisions. A list of ...

Televisions Specification Version 9

The ENERGY STAR Version 9.1 specification is currently under development. Materials related to this revision process are provided below.

ENERGY STAR TV V3.0 Eligibility Criteria

ENERGY STAR® Program Requirements for Televisions. Eligibility Criteria (Version 3.0). Below is the product specification for ENERGY STAR qualified TVs ...

Televisions Key Product Criteria

2022年10月20日 — The following On Mode requirements are based on measurements taken per the ANSI/CTA-2037-C: Determination of Television Set Power Consumption.


ENERGY STAR certified televisions must consume 0.5 watts or less in Sleep Mode and On Mode power requirements vary according to screen area. External power ...

Final V3.0 ENERGY STAR TV Program Requirements

TV Products Using an External Power Supply: To qualify, the external power supply must be. ENERGY STAR qualified or meet the no-load and active mode efficiency ...

ENERGY STAR Televisions Specification V9 Focuses on ...

2021年10月20日 — Driven by the development of 4K and 8K ultra-high-definition TVs, key changes in the newest specification include simplifying the test method ...